Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New year To Us! Upper Respritory Infections For All!

Well as luck would have it none of us were getting better and I could tell the coughs were starting to move into our chests so off to the Dr. we went. Actually off to Urgent Care we went complete with new (crappy) insurance thanks to the new health care law. I could not believe it when first off we had to travel about 18 miles to get to an Urgent Care that took our new insurance. Then we had to fork over $35 EACH as our new co-pays. It used  10 minutes drive and a $20.00 co-pay. Oh did I mention that now we have to pay 20% as they only pay 80%? On my old insurance everything was covered. I know some insurance is better than no insurance but to get this crappy insurance we had to pay 35% more in premiums this year.

Of course Murphy's Law had to kick in because wouldn't you know the first day the new insurance goes into effect, we have to use it? *sigh* This has never happened. So, here we are back home some 4 hours later and $135 poorer. :(

For those of you without insurance, I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but for our family this sucks.

Anyways, we all have prescriptions for antibiotics and the usual  'drink lots of  fluids and rest' advice so I believe that is what I will now go do.

Hopefully the meds will kick in so that I can feel up to blogging for you guys again soon.

Hope everybody stays well.

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